Friday, 6 July 2012

Brand Slogans and your eBay Identity

Brand Slogans and your eBay Identity

When you think of any mainstream business, one of the first things that come into your head are their brand slogans. Whether it’s MacDonalds’ ‘I’m Lovin it” or Nike’s ‘Just Do It,’ they are slogans which instantly create a connection to that brand. Although your business may not be as big as the MacDonalds and Nike of the world, creating a brand slogan for your store is a great way to create a lasting impact on potential customers.

With well over 400,000 shops set up on eBay in the UK alone, creating a brand slogan for your business is vital in helping it stand out from the crowd. When deciding what brand slogan you want, you must first think about what kind of image you are trying to project to your customers. The message must be one that engages and appeals to your audience. The last thing you want to do is create a slogan that offends people resulting in you losing a number of potential customers. 

The importance of brand recognition should never be underestimated; it creates loyalty, awareness and trust, encouraging a life long relationship with the product or service provided, and creates a unique bond between the customer and organisation that can last a life time. Ensuring the quality of your product or service is essential, adding ample value by providing a remarkable service that customers will not receive anywhere else. By creating an entire buying experience you can ensure effective transmission of a product or service that is both unique and that cannot be matched anywhere else.

The size of your slogan is also something you want to consider. As a general rule, the shorter it is the better. A short, snappy slogan allows you to send a message but it is also short enough that it is easy for people to remember.

So when you look to set up a slogan and identity for your eBay store, take some time and really explore all potential avenues. A good slogan can be one of the most effective marketing tools, dramatically increasing your brand recognition and your sales in the process.

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