Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Mobile Movement - Latest Technological Advancements

The latest infographics on how mobile is paving the way for digital marketing advancements

Digital Marketing is changing.  In an innovative, technologically advanced market such as mobile; its hardly surprising that new and more elaborate trends are emerging and changing the way businesses market.  If you plan to succeed and compete in this industry, I suggest you take note!
econsultancy.com posted a very useful article regarding mobile trends including global usage, mobile search, email and mobile commerce growth statistics.

Mobile Email


As the number of people opening emails via their smartphones escalates (Per e-mail 9.29% of total opens comes from mobile devices, with an 80% growth from the previous six months of email opens via mobile devices - June 2011), it is imperative that your email marketing blasts are "mobile friendly".  Top tips highlighted to achieve this include:
  1. Enlarge fonts 
  2. Ensure the scale meets the screen size
  3. Enlarge the "call to action" font
  4. Streamline and simplify headers and design
  5. Minimise images to avoid blocking
  6. Put across a short and concise message
  7. Use a single-column template 
  8. Be touch screen simple - large links for fingers to click 
It is also essential that before you send out your email campaign, you assess how the mobile OS (Operating System) will handle and be viewed in each of the different smart phone devices, see image below:

Email Opens

litmus.com also found that a huge 97% of emails are only viewed once, further supporting the notion that there is no second chance, make your message count!

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