Thursday, 12 May 2011

The Importance Of Brand Recognition When Creating A Successful Ecommerce Solution

Like many businesses, when looking at creating a unique ecommerce solution, mobile commerce solution or just an ecommerce design, there are many levels that must be recognised, understood and tackled before going into market. A good and effective sales and marketing team can be a plus, however to take your business to the next level you must aspire to create a brand. The mistake made by many is simple, confusing branding with marketing, rather than viewing it as an integral part of the marketing strategy, creating an image and association that can be instantly recognised, related to and connected with.

The importance of brand recognition should never be underestimated; it creates loyalty, awareness and trust, encouraging a life long relationship with the product or service provided, and creates a unique bond between the customer and organisation that can last a life time. Ensuring the quality of your product or service is essential, adding ample value by providing a remarkable service that customers will not receive anywhere else. By creating an entire buying experience you can ensure effective transmission of a product or service that is both unique and that cannot be matched anywhere else.

Naming your business is therefore an essential step to translating your brand, when looking into names you should always concentrate on finding memorable, simple, easy to spell and say words that evoke a certain feeling when they are heard, that also encompass what you stand for as a business.

One should never underestimate the importance of a logo; it can mean, translate and ignite brand recognition with many companies. Most can instantly visualise brands like Facebook, Google, NIke, Coca Cola and Microsoft's logo simply because they are extremely effective, simple and translate the product with a simple image. Creating a unique logo for your ecommerce solution, mobile commerce solution or simply for your website ecommerce design is therefore essential; a good logo will assist your business in creating a clean and professional look; helping you stand out from the competition and aiding you increase your sales. Many steps must be considered and analysed when creating a logo. A Logo must encompass your company and what it stands for and refine it to a simple singular image.

Essentially creating brand awareness will help you create a positive association with the products or services you are trying to promote. If your customers remember the brand itself then other information can naturally be associated with it in the costumer's conscious and subconscious mind. This will help encourage brand association which will help you create better and more loyal customer. Ensure the synchronicity between your ecommerce solution, mobile commerce solution, ecommerce design and your brand and you will guarantee your chances of success.

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