Thursday, 12 July 2012

Greater Seller Protection from Unfair Customers

Many people believe that the only people who are in need of protection on eBay are the customers from potential rogue traders. In fact, the truth is that many sellers are also at risk of some customers seriously harming the reputation of their basis.

Back in March, eBay introduced new policy guidelines to help give sellers increase protection from customers. This mainly focussed on ensuring that customers were no longer able to leave unfair or untrue feedback on a store owner. 

On eBay, feedback makes or breaks a business. If you receive large amounts of bad feedback, the odds are customers will stay away from your store, seriously harming your sales. However, eBay have combated this by providing sellers with a 5 star rating if they meet the following requirements: 

  • Tracking is uploaded or item is marked as dispatched within one working day of the payment being received.
  • The payment is made through Paypal. The payment must be made through Paypal as this is the only way eBay can see the date when the payment was made. 
  • The handling time is one day or less.
  • There was no communication between the buyer and seller 14 days before the payment was made up until the buyer leaves the feedback. 
If you have met these requirements, you will be protected from receiving an unfairly low detailed seller rating (DSRs) from the customer.

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