Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Twitter - A Powerful Promotional Tool

If you are looking to help your small business grow, creating a brand identity is key in helping to develop your customer base. If you are new to using social media, the site 'Twitter' is one you should look to familiarise yourself with as soon as possible.

Twitter is a free online microblogging service that allows you to post a variety of status updates that are up to 140 characters in size. The site currently has in excess of 100,000,000 active users worldwide. When creating a Twitter account, the more your business grows, the greater number of followers you will get. Followers are people who have become linked to your Twitter account and will be sent any status updates your business posts. 

These followers will consist of people who are interested in the products you sell and customers who have previously purchased from your store. The next step is to draw them back into your store as repeat buyers. Direct links to your store within your Twitter status updates are a great way to achieve this. This allows users to instantly access your store with one simple click. 

Another strong marketing tool when using Twitter, is the ability to provide followers with various promotions and discounts. One-third of all people who follow your Twitter account will be doing so simply to see if you place any promotions on your feed. Discounts and offers are a great way to draw customers to your site. These offers could be a sale on a number of different products or a discount on one product. While you may feel like you are losing money by selling a product cheaper than you previously have done, the increased number of sales you will gain by offering this promotion will most likely result in you making a larger profit than you previously have done.

One good offer posted on your Twitter account can result in your brand recognition growing considerably in a short space of time as a large audience becomes aware of your promotion instantly.

Social commerce platforms also allow to build up that initial relationship between yourself and customers before they have even made  a purchase. Opening up these channels of communication instantly allows you to build up the trust levels in your customers, making them more likely to buy something from the store in the future.


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